Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Snow, snow, snow

It was a bit of a surprise waking up this morning to see a thin blanket of fresh white snow on the ground.  I thought spring started almost a week ago?  Well, it's hard to believe it as the temperatures have been 25-30 degrees below average the last few days.  

Towards the beginning of the month I had spring fever hit me...I wanted to go to every garden center and see all the new plants for the season.  I even bought a few pansies to liven up the front of the house.  They've had some rough nights though, being out in 20 degree weather.  So last night I brought them inside and will keep them in for a few more days.  They are just so cheerful sitting in the living room that I had to take some pictures.  

Let's hope for some warmer weather next week...

1 comment:

  1. Of course the "purple" flowers get the close-ups! The garden centers and greenhouses here sit empty and forlorn, but "If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?"
